Friday 23 September 2011


Entrepreneur- Someone who makes a business idea happen either through their own efort or by organising others to do the work.
 A sucessful Entrepreneur needs the following characteistics:
Understanding of the market
Persuasive abilities
The ability to build relashionships with the network such as suppliers and customers otherwise business suffers!
The ability to cope with risk

Risk taking
- Business decisions are always about the future and they always involve uncertainty
-Good entrepreneurs consider what they might happen differently
-An enterpretueur looks at the risk compares them with the possible rewards and makes a decision with a cool head
- Risk takers accept that sometimes they will get losses.
New businesses do not get a great deal of support from their goverment
- Some people believe that real enterpreteurs are born that way others say that their skills can be learnt.
- A second isssue is weather entrepreteurs tend to be school underachievers whose sucess comes from their reaction against their school 'failure'

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