Friday 23 September 2011

Market Share, Market Growth and Market segments

The market share of a firm is the percentage that it has of the market sales

sales of the product/market size x 100 = percentage of %

Market growth
Is the increase in size of market for a particular product

Market Segments
An identifiable group with simular needs and wants within a particular product

Difference between small and large businesses

-Smaller costs
-Less tax to pay
-Less sales
-Possible better
-Higher quality of products
-Customer loyalty

-Larger Costs
-Higher tax rate
-Moe variety in terms of products/sales
-Possible lower prices
-Economys of scale
-More money for promotion
-Higher sales
-Invest points
-Share holders
-Higher market shares
-Invest profits in the business
-Higher market share

Enrepreneur nees to consider when entering the market

-Competition between other businesses
-Inflation Markets
-Aim to achieve
-Overall costing
-Location of business
-Distributuon of product
-Retailers whole salers- E-Commerce (online cheaper simple quicker)
-Cost and achieve break even
-Target market(market reasearch) fashion!
-Advirtising costs
-Tax Implication
-More income which means more tax pay
-Promtional activites
-Running costs
-Customer Satifaction
-Gov funding
-Fair trade
-Wages employers to be trained?
-Interest of stake holders
-Health and safety
Goverment law discrimination etc safety

The Market

Any place of Trade that brings together buyers and sellers with a view to agreeing a price

Reasons why people set up businesses and their problems

-Self employment
-Higher salary
-Own hours
-Sense of ownership & Independance
-Enjoy feeling of risk
-Money to improve circumstance
-Reddundancy- Investment
-Cashing in on a business idea
-Discovering gap in the market
-Providing assistance to economy
-New business idea
-Give something back to the community

Possible problems or a start up business:
-Lack of investment funding
-Risks high
-No job security
-Long hours
-Lack of enthusiasm
-What type of business decisions
-Hard to establish repuation
-People might not like idea
-Not enough risks
-Marketing costs
-Inflation prices expensive
-Able to provide to demand
-No expierience
-Too much competition


The effect it has on smaller Businesses:
-Media advirtises bigger businesses so therefore smaller businesses are more likely to go bankrupt
-Not as much fast supply and demand on smaller prices
-Small businesses are not globalised
-Prices cheaper in bigger businesses may loose customers
-Smaller variety of products
-Lack of demand
-More over heads
-Need to change prcing strategies
-Less Funding
-More likely for banks not to loan money
-Invest more of owners money
-Higher rate of failure
-75% of small business fail
-Lower rate of sucess

Trade credit= Peoplle used to not have to pay for goods straight away now up to 30 days now you have to pay as thyere is a less risk if the money is there quicker.

Market Analysis

Market Analysis:
Analysing the type of state the market is in and observing to see if stock prices are going up and down and carefully observing numeric data.
-Gaps in market
-Business Oppurtunitys
-Investigating an individual Market
-Studying other simular markets
-Is the market in decline
-Influence business deciscion
-When/where your business will be sucessful
-Market share/market growth
-Identify market leader
-Investigate price
-Start up costs
-Market reasearch

Should analyse the 4 ps


Entrepreneur- Someone who makes a business idea happen either through their own efort or by organising others to do the work.
 A sucessful Entrepreneur needs the following characteistics:
Understanding of the market
Persuasive abilities
The ability to build relashionships with the network such as suppliers and customers otherwise business suffers!
The ability to cope with risk

Risk taking
- Business decisions are always about the future and they always involve uncertainty
-Good entrepreneurs consider what they might happen differently
-An enterpretueur looks at the risk compares them with the possible rewards and makes a decision with a cool head
- Risk takers accept that sometimes they will get losses.
New businesses do not get a great deal of support from their goverment
- Some people believe that real enterpreteurs are born that way others say that their skills can be learnt.
- A second isssue is weather entrepreteurs tend to be school underachievers whose sucess comes from their reaction against their school 'failure'

Thursday 22 September 2011


On this blog i will be observing how the economy changes throughout time. and the constant development in the markets.